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Types of Health And Safety Training

All workplaces need to implement a health and safety training program. It doesn't matter what type of company you have, the health and safety of your staff is something that cannot be ignored. There are state regulations just about everywhere that pertain to health and safety of your staff and they must be followed in order for you to stay in business.

Take a look at the health and safety risks within your business. There are different risks for everyone, which is why you have to understand all of the risks that you have and then to determine how you can properly protect your employees from every type of threat that is out there. The equipment you use is usually the first place to start as this can come with risks that are seen and unseen. Sometimes employees can be injured or have issues with safety due to the way in which they operate the machinery or equipment. Others may neglect the polices and warnings that you provide and they choose to ignore to wear safety equipment and other things. Chemical exposure is another thing to consider as you look into providing the right type of safety equipment for your staff to wear.

Have you filed any accident claims with the Department of Workforce Services? What are the type of accidents that are common at your facility? Being able to understand the accidents can help you in identifying the root problem at hand and will hopefully prevent them in the future. Simple machinery upgrades and repairs could easily prevent a series of workplace accidents from happening. You may be thinking "we don't have large equipment, paper cuts are about the extent of our workplace accidents!" For businesses that run offices, you have to consider alternative risks that can happen. While your staff members may spend a great deal of time on the computer or on the phone, they could still be at risk for a problem like a fire or they may need to perform first aid on a co-worker.

Implementing basic safety training for your staff members can prevent serious accidents or health concerns from happening. This is why you need to take the time to train your employees on how to handle certain risks like fires or basic CPR.

Fire training
This type of training should be done at least once a year in order to provide you with a safer and secure workplace. You will need to appoint several employees to be in charge of their floor or their department in order to help usher the rest of their co-workers out of the building and to take role to ensure everyone is safe. These employees need to remain calm in the face of immediate dangers and threats and must be able to focus on their job and helping others instead of just rushing to get out of the building first. You must also take time to ensure your staff members all know how to use a fire extinguisher and that they know where to locate the extinguisher when they need to use it in an emergency.

Safety training
With this type of training you will focus on identifying the risks in the workplace and helping your employees to be able to understand them and prevent serious injuries from occurring. Safety training must focus a great deal on being able to understand and provide assistance to basic injuries and other things. It also goes along with helping people to find where the first aid kit is in the office and also to contact 911 when there is an emergency.

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