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Why your business should have an onsite gym

weightmachine34927794.jpgIt is no surprise to lean that exercise can significantly produce better job performance. While this may not be enough for employers everywhere to start building on site gyms, there are a number of other reasons they should consider as well. The bottom line is that this is an investment that can pay off in a big way for both the employer and their employees. Here are some of the reasons why your business should have an onsite gym-

  • For the employees-Having an onsite gym completely eliminates the excuse of not having the time to get your workout in. Employees no longer need to drive to gym or use up more of their day to get in a workout. When you have a gym at your workplace, there is simply no more reason why you shouldn't get moving. Employees with onsite gyms report that a morning workout can boost energy and help productivity, while those employees who workout after the workday report feeling less stress. Studies have found that even though employees may not exercise all 5 or 6 days they are at work, having a gym at work provides the motivation. In addition, fit employees tend to be healthier employees. This means that the employer saves money, in health care costs, sick days and has less downtime.
  • For the employer-While employers may appreciate the fact that their employees are happier and healthier, the real test comes down to a cost analysis. Each company must then determine what will be the most cost effective option, for their budget, size, and employee demographic. This means that each employer will most likely go for a different option. Some employers with put in full size on site gyms complete with trainers and lots of high end options, while others will just build a small gym and still other employers simply reimburse for a gym membership. Savvy employers understand that healthier employees are more productive employees. Studies show that in businesses that offer a fitness option, that morale is much higher and illness is not as common. This in turn saves the company significantly on the costs of health care.

Some employers worry that after making such a significant outlay, that employees will not take advantage of the gym option. There are many businesses that are offering incentives for using the fitness options, while others are monitoring the use of the gym. If an employee fails to use the gym at least 2-3 times per week, then the cost of the gym membership is deducted from their pay. Other businesses are giving their employees an extra 15 minute break to advantage of whatever fitness option they have. Many employees find that this small amount of extra time is enough to get them into the gym. Still other companies are offering challenges to their employees such as who can lose the most weight. After a certain period of time the business then offers the winners of the weight loss challenge various prizes such as: gift cards, cash, training sessions in the gym or even paid time off. The only limits to the incentives that are being offered are the creativity of the company involved!

Other companies are restructuring the workday to allow employees to get into the gym. Some businesses do not monitor the amount of break time that their employees take. They simply expect them to get the work done, this leaves employees determining the time that is right for them to get into the gym. Other employees will use their gym option before starting or after work, if they have an onsite gym.

Employers find that having an onsite gym can not only be a boost to productivity and morale, but be serious tool when it comes to recruiting top talent. Many prospective job applicants look for companies that make their employees health and well-being a priority and gym shows that you do.

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