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Do You Have A Safe Office?

When you hear about workplace accidents your first thoughts may go to a construction site or a manufacturing facility but workplace accidents can happen anywhere even in a cubicle! Many businesses do not pay a lot of attention to employee safety when their company primarily has a number of offices and cubicles but there are some risks that are associated with these types of companies as well. The workplace accidents that are common include sedentary health risks, tripping over loose flooring, fires, illnesses, and eye strain are some of the common problems to be aware of. To help you encourage safety in the workplace we have created some simple tips that will really help you out.

Tip # 1 - Loose Flooring and Tripping
How many cords do you have stretched around the office? If you have a lot of computers and other devices it is likely that you have cords all over the place and this can make it hard for your employees to avoid a tumble to the floor. You need to purchase cable management systems that will move the cords out of the way so your staff members do not fall. Some companies will tape them onto the floor but this can be just as dangerous as it causes you to have uneven flooring. If you have an employee that is shuffling their feet or they aren't really paying attention to where they are walking, tripping over a cord is easy to do. Loose flooring is another big problem. Old carpet can start to wear down and will lose its traction, causing your employees to slip. You may have tile that is broken up or just floors that have holes in the material. Old flooring can lead to tripping and it can cause serious accidents to occur. Replace outdated flooring. Try to avoid adding rugs to cover them up. Rugs are usually hazards for most offices as they can bunch up and will move around, causing your employees to trip.

Tip # 2 - Lack of Exercise
Employees that sit all day long are at an increased risk for blood clots and other health risks. These employees are living sedentary lifestyles and are not getting in the proper exercise their bodies need. It is common to see people deal with a lot of fatigue when they do not get up and move around. Try to encourage your employees to take breaks from sitting all day and get outside for a short walk. Taking breaks to stand up, stretch, and move around can have a big impact on their health and will improve blood flow.

Tip # 3 - Germs
How often do you clean your office? While you may have a company come in to empty the garbage and vacuum the floors it will not be enough to prevent the spread of germs in the office. You need to make sure the office is being cleaned often. Areas where people touch often are germ pools and these places need to be cleaned so you can reduce the spread of germs. Cutting down on the spread of germs in the office will have a huge impact on health and can improve productivity as your staff is healthier.

Tip # 4 - Strains and Pains
Are your employees practicing proper office ergonomics? When people do not sit upright at their desks and the screens are not positioned correctly it can lead to neck pain, back pain, and eye strain. It is important that you focus on helping your employees to practice proper ergonomics so they will not deal with common office pains that decrease productivity.

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