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Encouraging Healthier Eating For Your Staff

How do you get your employees to eat healthier? Focusing on getting your employees to understand the importance of the foods that they eat can be one of the most difficult things that you will face. It is important that you approach the subject correctly and that you work on bringing in the right type of specialists to help with encouraging a healthy eating program. There are a number of studies that show employees are impacted by the food that they eat as it causes them to have reduced productivity.

When you encourage healthier eating habits and your employees actually do follow them you will see that they are less likely to take time off work. It contributes to a happier staff, which really can provide you with the morale you are looking for. Productivity will increase as the employees are healthier and are able to be at 100% when they are working.

Encouraging healthy eating will start with the foods that you are offering to your employees. What type of foods are you offering to your employees when you hold meetings? Watch the foods that you bring in as they can be filled with sugars, salts, and grease. You need to make sure you are offering them foods that are healthy. Fresh fruit and vegetable trays can be brought in to provide your staff with healthier choices. You need to make sure you are setting an example for your staff and you are not offering them foods that are going to contribute to poor health. When they see that your company provides healthy choices, they will start making better choices as well. The entire company may have a mindset change when it comes to eating snacks in the office and it's a great way to improve the health of everyone.

Goodbye to the vending machine foods. We have all done it at least once when it's the middle of the day and you start getting hungry. The vending machines provide quick snacks and these foods are not beneficial to your health in any way. It's a wise idea to consider removing all of the foods that are not contributing to health and offering them snacks that offer long-lasting energy. Goodbye to the soda and sugar and say hello to apple slices and 100% fruit juice options. A great way to find out what type of healthy snacks to add to the vending machines is by asking your employees for their input. When they can have some ideas and input in the foods that go into the vending machines they may feel a little more control in the company and valued by the organization.

Some employees will just go out for fast food all the time because they do not have anywhere to make a lunch. Turn a break room into a mini kitchen for your staff. Include a refrigerator and a microwave in this room so your staff members can prepare their own lunches instead of always relying on fast food. You need to focus on bringing a lunch from home with you as well as this encourages your employees to do the same thing. It is also a smart idea to offer your employees some things that make it easier for them to prepare their own lunches. Certain condiments can help and you might even offer a vegetable tray each day so they can create healthy salads for lunch but also will have something to snack on in the middle of the day.

It is not easy to get your employees to eat healthy as people are going to do what they want but setting an example of healthy eating is one of the best things that you can do to encourage them to eat right.

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