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Making the workplace healthier with better ergonomics

Backaches, neck cramps, carpal tunnel syndrome; these are just a few of the many health concerns that arise due to improper office ergonomics. If you have employees that are complaining of these things it is likely that they are not sitting up straight or that their computer screen is not properly positioned. You need to pay attention to these things because it can end up costing your company a lot of money in lost production and also medical expenses. Employers can prevent some of these things with just a few simple changes.

You need to take time to understand how proper office ergonomics can impact your employee's health. You need to consider the benefits of new chairs that encourage your employees to hold correct posture, even if these chairs end up costing you more money than what you would like to spend. Changing something as simple as a chair can have great health benefits on your entire office as your feet now rest properly and you don't have the aches in your shoulders and neck anymore. It is amazing to learn what proper office ergonomics will be able to do for your company.

Not only does ergonomics refer to the way in which you sit in a chair, it also refers to the office environment that your employees work in. You need to have an area that is comfortable to them and provides them with plenty of space to work. A desk needs to be of the correct height for the employee to work comfortably. You also need to consider the computer screens and lighting as it may cause unnecessary strain on the eyes. Proper office ergonomics will lead to healthier employees and an increase in productivity.

Sit down with your employees and discuss some of the things that may be hurting and what type of complaints they have. See if changing the position of their keyboard or computer screen causes these annoyances to go away. Your staff members may also be impressed to see that a simple screen adjustment will get rid of the neck pain they have been suffering from for years. This is a great benefit to them and a great benefit to you as well.

It is estimated that the average American will spend about 50 hours a week sitting while at work. If you are at a job where you sit and type all day long you know some of these common pains. Adding a pad to your wrists may make a huge difference in carpal tunnel syndrome and wrist pain. You might also be able to see a difference if you wear braces on your wrists that aid in keeping them aligned and helping the blood to flow to the wrists properly.

The problem that many Americans do not realize is that not sitting properly can lead to long-term damage. While it may be comfortable to slouch it can lead to you to have a hunched back as you age. Slouching leads to problems with the muscles as well because they begin to break down and this makes you vulnerable to slips and falls and severe medical problems.

Proper office ergonomics can help to prevent many of these long-lasting health concerns. You will see a difference in your staff in a few months as they are less likely to complain of things like wrist pain, neck pain, and back pain. Invest in ergonomic furniture as it will be able to provide better health for the long term and also comfort to your employees that have been dealing with these aches and pains for years.

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