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Developing A Health Plan For Employees

Good employee health is an investment. People keep the company working and earning. Those who are healthy are more productive and take less time out being sick. So consider these ideas for creating a wellness plan that will stick.
Mental Health

Many people go about life overly stressed. Good stress can push you to do your job, but too much stress becomes an unhealthy habit. Stress can aggravate heart issues, pushing up blood pressure while weakening the body. Viruses can latch on the cells better with stress suppressing the fighter cells. So do everything you can to eliminate stress.
Meditation And Stress Management
Hold stress management workshops. Educate employees on how to meditate for a few minutes each day. Meditation can help with focus and can enlighten the mind. Taking time just to watch thoughts go by helps a person unwind. This can also be a time to think positive thoughts about other people and about life.
Many people have discovered the good effects of meditation. In today's quickly moving society, this practice can slow you down enough to catch mistakes and can help foster good feelings that lead to happiness. The world is as we choose to see it, and meditation can help keep those bright rose-colored glasses on.
Stretches and quick breaks also help to reduce stress. Allow for time to move around and get away for the computer. A little more moving can help with circulation, preventing other health issues.
Also, breaks can prevent carpel tunnel and debilitating problems that interfere with productivity. So advocate coffee breaks.
Coffee Breaks
Give employees a place to unwind a little. Make the break room a peaceful place to be. Provide free water and even fruit for a healthy burst of energy. Fruit can give the mind a boost when it is stuck in place.
Physical Health
Make sure that food served in the office is safe to eat. After parties and meetings, people tend to recycle food. Make sure that all used food is thrown away because there is a good chance of contamination.
Throw Out The Food
Hands with germs touch untaken portions and fruit flies can get into things during the summer time. Most importantly, though, food sitting out too long can make people sick. Pastries with cream, cut up fruit, meats, and many other food products have a short life outside the refrigerator. When these things are left out in room temperature they begin to rot and spoil, making way for food poisoning. Upset stomachs and sick days may be the result.
Do not let the whole office suffer because someone is trying to save a few bucks. Make sure that everyone knows to throw out food after it is used at functions.
Social Health
Bring together the company for group activities. Baseball games and picnics are a great atmosphere for getting to know your coworkers without the pressure of the office.
Friendship can become a good reason for people to want to come to work. A more intimate environment leads to people lending a hand and going beyond their normal duties. People might be more apt to help out when someone is on leave for maternity care or when someone is out with the flu.
Foster acts of kindness that can make the office a more efficient, happier place to work. People are less likely to gossip or be hostile or volatile when they know they are safe among friends.
So take the time to invest in the mental, physical, and social health of employees. This can really boost morale, prevent sickness, and make for a more pleasant work environment overall.

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