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Easy Steps To Employee Wellness

Those who work at your office are good at what they do. They work hard to meet deadlines and get projects finished. With all of their time spent on the job, not all of them find time to take care of themselves. Some might be lacking in office friendships, while others may simply overwork.

Teach these skills and implement changes in the office for happier, more productive employees.
Time Off
- Make sure that each employee has and takes vacation days. A little time spent outside of work can go a long way for rejuvenating the mind. Give time to solve personal and family problems as well.

- Develop a work-sharing program for those with small children. When there is not enough time to deal with problems at home, these issues can spill over into the workplace. Help keep work and family separate so that employees stay professional.

- Those dealing with health issues need time off. Also allow for a decent number of sick days each year. Sometimes people come into work while sick for one of many reasons:
1. They may feel obligated, as though it is part of their job to work no matter what their condition is
2. They may not have anyone to fill in on their project
3. They may have a deadline to meet and not know whom to turn to for help
4. They may not want to use up vacation time
5. They may not want to stay home due to problems there
Help alleviate these reasons to come to work with a fever or cough. Spreading the illness is bound to happen in a close work environment. Encourage employees to stay at home and rest. They are able to come back sooner this way, energized enough to be productive. This ensures that other coworkers and clients are not catching each other's illnesses.
Play Time
- Set up ways for the company to interact outside of work. Bring employees and their families to games and amusement parks. Company picnics show that corporate cares for employees.

- Turn this into a road to fitness. Bring out the bats and play a bit of softball. Many companies have established leagues to play sports within the company. Teams are set up among offices and departments to provide for healthy interaction. This can bring out the competitive, fun side in employees that may otherwise be overlooked.

- Turn this into a way to unify the entire company by challenging another firm to a softball championship. After a series of your own games, find your all-star team to take on others'. This will get employees rooting for their company and spread team spirit. What a great way to get people active, spending time in the sun with each other.
Ways To Party
Time can also be spent together at company parties. Make a few changes so that the next event doubles as a party and a stealthy way to promote health.
- Make the raffle prizes something the company can be happy about. Give out a treadmill as the grand prize and stretch bands as consolation prizes. Gym memberships and gift cards for sporting goods are always appreciated. Canoes and tents are a good alternative to televisions and food.

- Serve the best foods at parties and picnics. Forget the carbohydrates and opt for selections of lean meats and cheeses. Whole grain crackers go well with hummus and other low-fat dips. Fruit platters are another good option.
Take the time to make sure employees at your company are happy and well adjusted. Just a few new strategies can lighten up the mood and help with productivity at the workplace.

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