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How to keep routers in good repair

kidonlaptop41808320.jpg Your router is the device that you use to forward data packets to their specific destinations based on their address; sort of like a mail man.Routers connect machines to form LANs.It's important to learn how to keep routers in good repair, clean, and in good working condition.

Before we get too far into how to keep your router in good repair let's talk for a minute about what a router is/ does, and why you need one.Once you know a little more about routers you will then see the importance of keeping them in good shape.

How a router works and why you need one.
When data is transmitted over a network like the internet it passes through many different routers (and networks) going from one source machine to the next until it reaches its final destination.Each router will keep information about other routers within its network.This will include information like IP addresses and the cost.When the data arrives at the router it will choose the route that costs the least and then forwards the data to the first neighbor on that route.If you have a LAN and want an internet connection at work or at home then you are going to need a router.You will also need a router if you want VoIP on your LAN.What a home router does is it lets you share broadband internet access while building a home network.

Keeping a router in good repair
In any type of weather condition it's always important to keep your router clean and free from things that may damage it.With hot temperatures of the summer season here it's even more important to keep a watchful eye on your router as extreme temperatures can cause a lot of damage to a piece of electronic like a router.If you don't keep your router in a cool place it can just stop working; simply from being too hot.Now that you know what a router is and why you need one here are some tips to keeping it in good working condition.

  1. Don't stack electronics.This goes for any type of electronic but especially a router.Think about where you place it, what it's sitting by or on, or if it's generating too much heat.Electronic devices can get hot all by themselves and don't need you helping the process along.When you have things stacked on top of one another things can get overheated quickly.Keep your router in a cool place and don't stack it on anything or stack anything on top of it.

  2. Keep your vents open.This goes along with not stacking, but make sure you keep any vents or air holes on your router unblocked in order to control the internal temperature.That's why they make electronics with vents, to keep them cool.

  3. Spring Cleaning.In order for anything to run properly it needs a good cleaning.Routers are no different.You can clean your router simply with a can of compressed air from a local office store.This should get rid of any dust and dirt.You can also open it up to try and blow other dust and dirt particles away.

  4. Keep away from heaters.Just like stacking will damage your router, so will putting it close to a heater vent or something really hot.It's just common sense to keep it away from heaters and things like that or you'll be buying a new router very soon.

  5. Children.A child does not know the difference between a router and a flying saucer so be sure to keep it out of a child's reach.You never know when they're going to use your stuff as a play toy.

Learning how to keep a router in good repair can save you a lot of time and money so keep these general tips in mind when it comes to your router or any other type of electronic device.

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