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How to use Gizmodo, the gadget guide

PDAkeyboard16474455.jpg In 2002, Gizmodo was formed as a large blog site whose sole purpose is to write about tech gadgets as fast as possible. Gizmodo has grown to bring in upwards of 50 million page views a month in traffic.

As a reader, you can create an account and post information that you find about a large variety of topics including: gadgets, computers, cell phones, video games, cameras and anything else that is considered a tech gadget. When you register on Gizmodo you will be able to add friends and clip articles. In order to leave comments on Gizmodo, you must need to be approved.

If you are approved by Gizmodo to leave comments, your comment will only appear once. Gizmodo likes comments that are amusing, interesting or substantial. You can also leave comments if you have been invited by Gizmodo. Similar to Gmail, an invite system will send you an email stating who invited you. A friend can invite you to Gizmodo or the site itself will invite you.

When you register on Gizmodo, you can register and leave posts anonymously. The webmasters of Gizmodo won't know who you are. Keep in mind that you have to have stake in what you are talking about if you expect to see your comments published on Gizmodo.

Registering on Gizmodo is fairly simple. You will click through your invitation link to the comments sign-up page and create your user name and password. You will then create your profile which describes information that you are interested in and information you want to comment on. If you are an anonymous user, you can add an anonymous nickname in your user profile.

You will need to provide an email address so Gizmodo can send you a new password in case you forget yours. You can leave the email field blank, but if you forget your user name and password, then you will need to create a new account. Gizmodo recommends you establish an account like Gmail, Yahoo Mail or Hotmail account.

Gizmodo will ban you from leaving comments on the web site if your comments are self-promotional, boring or obnoxious. You will not be given a warning from Gizmodo, you will simply be banned from leaving comments on the site and you will not have grounds for an appeal.

As a gadget fan, using Gizmodo will help you find out about the latest and greatest technology on the market and what is about to hit the market. Gizmodo also provides links to outside web sites that allow you to purchase the technology in discussion. If you are a user of the gadget, you can leave comments for others to view to decide if they want to purchase it.

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