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Making sure your new technology will be compatible with what you currently have

couple19190434.jpg How many times have you gone to the store to buy a part to match something that has broken, gotten home and realized that it doesn't work with the model you have, or it doesn't fit right?Well, you're not the only one.Technology is much like this process of finding the right fit.It's important when you're buying new pieces of technology that you make sure your new technology will be compatible with what you already have.

Since the word technology is such a general term there are literally thousands of things you could buy and then have to worry about them being compatible.This article will address a few different types of technology and how to make sure they are compatible with one another before you get home with it only to find out that they're not.

  1. Computers and virus protection.Computers covers a vast area of technology and there are many different parts that you have to consider before buying.If something isn't compatible with it your computer won't run properly and you'll be stuck with another broken piece of equipment at home.Everyone should protect their computer from potentially dangerous viruses that can be found on the internet but when buying anti-virus software or downloading something for free you need to make sure that the program is compatible with your computer and the programs you are running on it.Some ant-virus software is made specifically for PC computers and will not run properly on a MAC; and vice versa.Make sure that you do your homework and tell the sales associate specifically what you are running on your computer before you buy or download any type of software.It could do more damage than you think.
  2. Alarm systems.Yet another piece of technology that has been around for quite some time.However they have begun to change with the use of cell phones.Many people have switched from using landlines to just using a cell phone or having a wireless router run through their homes.If you don't know already, an alarm system requires a landline to work at all so without one your alarm system is doing nothing.However, some companies have risen to the occasion and have come up with a piece of technology called a cell box.It costs the customer extra money to have it changed from a regular landline system to a cell box system but once it is done you can use your cell box with a wireless router and cell phone.This is something you should know before you get an alarm system installed if you're planning on switching from a landline to a wireless router.
  3. Automobiles and electronics.Another piece of technology is definitely your car and the electronics you decide to put in them.You can't just go out and by any type of stereo system without looking at how it will hook into your car, or just decide to install any type of DVD player before you know it will be compatible with your car.There are certain components that cars and electronics are compatible with so it's extremely important that you ask a trained professional or at least someone who knows a little bit about installing electronics before you go out and spend thousands of dollars on something that won't work in your car.And though most of us are smart enough to do this, some think that they are perfectly capable of installing something by themselves and then end up spending more to have it taken out, fixed, and then replaced with something that will actually work.

Making sure your new technology will be compatible with what you already have is as important as finding the right kind of nails to put your playhouse together; if they're not the right size the play house will fall apart.

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