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New television technology

entertainmentcenter63493818.jpg Television has come a long way from its black and white TV box it used to be.We have come from analog to digital; from big box TV's to flat screen LCD's and now HDTV.It seems that technology is moving faster than we can keep up with.And within the last few years there is something new that has come out called SED TV; a new flatscreen technology television.Plasma and LCD HDTV's will soon have to share their shelf space with this new television technology.

What is it and how does it work?
SED stands for Surface-conduction Electron-emitter Display and was developed by Canon back in the mid 1980's.It then joined up with Toshiba for the big SED project in 1999 and both decided to dedicate themselves for the new SED technology called SED in 2004.

SED television is very similar to the traditional CRT except that instead of one large electron shooting all the screen phosphors, SED has thousands of tiny electrons (emitters) for each phosphor sub pixel.It's brightness does not compare to LCD or Plasma screens yet but with a few twists and turns it will soon match or even exceed the LCD and Plasma screen TV's.

Television Comparisons
In order to get a better idea on this new piece of television technology let's see how it compares to other types of televisions already out in the market.

  • SED vs. CRT.Well the biggest difference here is that the SED television is flat while CRT televisions are typically as wide as they are deep in order for you to be able to actually see the TV.With SED televisions you still have the advantages of a CRT display but with only a few inches of thickness behind it.

  • SED vs. LCD.If you have ever researched an LCD television or perhaps even bought one you might have noticed or read that they have had quite a few challenges in getting a good picture.It can also be difficult to view and LCD TV from different angles.So you might be able to see it if you're sitting right in the center of the TV, but if you're off the side a little the picture is compromised.SED TV's will not have this problem as they have self illuminated phosphors.Another advantage to and SED over and LCD is that is uses about 2/3rds the power that an LCD TV would use.

  • SED vs. Plasma.Plasma screen televisions can give a poor quality picture with dark colors.It can be hard to tell what you're looking at sometimes because there is such a shadow on the screen.The picture with an SED should be much better quality than a plasma screen.

As far as how long the SED televisions will lastthe research has shown that the television will last as long as the phosphors continue to emit light.Basically this means that if you decide to buy one of these babies it could last far into the future.

New television technology is changing at a rate faster than consumers can sometimes keep up with it.And while this is the latest, companies producing plasma and LCD TV's are continually updating and coming up with more to compete with.

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