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Protecting a wireless network

securitycamera36606383.jpg It doesn't matter if you have wireless from home or from the office you still and always need to protect yourself.Leaving yourself unprotected means that you are open to intruders; all kinds of intruders that will tap into your network and can steal important and secure information.And believe it or not protecting your wireless network doesn't take a whole lot of money or work.Here are some helpful steps in keeping your wireless network protected.

Step 1:Hide your Network
Your network router is constantly sending out its name which is known as the SSID or service set identifier.Your wireless PC see's the SSID and uses the SSID to connect to the router.If someone just by chance or coincidence happens to find out your SSID they too can connect to your router.It's good to know that when you purchase a wireless router it comes with a default SSID that is the same for millions of users all over the world.This is how an intruder can hack into your network and steal information.With just a few common default SSIDs they can quickly find a way in.In order to hide your network ID you must change your SSID name as soon as you get it.This can help protect your wireless network from intruder.After changing your name you will also have to tell your network to stop broadcasting it because many intruders will find the SSIDs of any nearby network.There are different steps to take in changing your name and to stop broadcasting that vary from router to router.Find out how to do it and do it quickly so that your network is protected.

Step 2:Filter out MAC Addresses
Every piece of networking hardware has an ID number which is unique to itself.That number is called a MAC address.You can use this address to keep intruders out of your wireless network by telling your router to let your computer into the network but nobody else's.You can plug in all of your computer ID numbers as well as anyone you want and still keep the others out.It's also very easy to plug in a new MAC address if you get a new computer.By doing this only your PC will be able to connect to your wireless network.

Step 3:Use Encryption
Encryption can protect your wireless network in two ways:

  1. It won't allow anyone onto your network who doesn't have the encryption key

  2. It stops snoopers from seeing anything on your network.

You can use either Wireless Equivalent Protocol (WEP) or Wi-Fi to protect your network.WEP is actually less secure than WPA because it is older so if you really want to protect yourself go with WPA

Step 4:Use Firewalls
One of the best ways to protect your wireless network is to protect your PC itself.By using a firewall on all of your PC's, an intruder may be able to make their way onto your network but not damage any of your PC information.There are several options when it comes to firewall.You can download free versions or you can get other firewall protection from purchasing them at a store.

Step 5:Be cautious
Even with so many precautions any wireless network is still susceptible to intruders so you should always keep an eye out to see whether or not someone is where they shouldn't be; especially on your network.If you find someone then get rid of them.You can use programs to help you know whether or not there is anyone snooping around your network.The program will find intruders and tell you that they're on your network, show you their activity, and even send them alerts.

People have lost valuable information from not protecting their wireless network.Don't make the same mistake; keep your wireless network secure and protected by following these simple steps.

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