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Tips for using projectors

reviewpresentation16487501.jpg When it comes to projectors and computers there are several different things you can do with them.The main advantage to having computer projection is image size.They have especially come in handy for power point presentations in a large setting and classrooms.This article will give you some tips for using projectors, what to look for, and how to use them with your laptop.

LCD overheads
The LCD technology of overhead projectors is very fragile and sensitive to damage if it is dropped so you have to be very careful with it.Before you buy one of these be sure to check on the lamp life and cost of replacing the lamp.Sometimes replacement bulbs can be as much as $100 per bulb.

Video Projectors
If you buy a video projector they will generally connect to the VGA port on your computer.If it is a fairly new projector there should also be a connector for the VCR or DVD player which can come in useful for educational purposes.Most newer projectors will also be able to connect to the computer as well.

If you are looking for a projector to go with your computer or laptop it is recommended that you pick one that has the same resolution as the computer you plan to use it now.When the projector doesn't match the resolution it is most likely that the unit will not work or won't interpolate the pixels that match the computer.Basically speaking, your graphics will suffer.Some things to remember when shopping around for projectors:

  • Higher resolution is usually better than lower

  • Dual screen display means that you can project the image and view it on the computer and on the screen on the same time.

  • Electronic projectors are the most popular among consumers that need a larger image.

  • Shop around to get the best price possible

Using a projector
Most of today's projectors are extremely easy to use and come with about as much hardware as a laptop computer.You will usually get a couple of cords for power, mouse, and audio/ video cables alongwith the projector.Using them is easy because all you really have to do is plug them into the right places and they will work immediately.Don't worry about the number of colors you get from your projector as they all have the same number; 16.7.And you won't have to worry about your projector being MAC or PC compatible because most, if not all projectors will be compatible with both types.

Tips on using a projector with your laptop
The most commonly used way to use a projector today is either with a computer or laptop.Here are some tips for using a projector with your laptop:

  • Before giving a presentation you might want to create a shortcut on the desktop so you can get right to your file.Remember to bring a back up disc with your stuff on it.

  • Make sure you bring a cord to plug into the laptop from the projector.You can plug the laptop into the projector while both devices are turned off.

  • Turn one machine on and make sure everything is working correctly before you turn the other one on.If no image appears on the screen turn them both off and turn the other machine on first.

  • Set the projector at to the proper source and resolution.The laptop resolution will be found by clicking on the desktop.

  • Always have a back up plan or back up projector just in case something doesn't go as planned.

So there you have it; a little bit of everything.Hopefully these tips for using projectors and what to look for when buying one will help you in your search.

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