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Videocasting technology overview

webcam45381716.jpg In the beginning a podcast was an audio only file, but things have changed once again.With the rising popularity of digital cameras, digital video cameras, and video cellphones came the video podcast.This article will give a quick overview of videocasting technology and how to use it.

A video podcast, sometimes shortened to vidcast, vodcast, or videocast is a term that is now used for the online delivery of a video or video clip via RSS enclosures.It is actually exactly like a podcast but instead of just the audio, you also get the video feed.A videocast can be used and made by anyone so it's a great opportunity for amateurs and budding TV and film makers to showcase their talents on the internet.And since the pretty much everyone has access to the internet, what better place to post your videocast for people to see.

How videocasting works
A video cast is sent from a web server and distributed as a file or stream.Each of the different methods of sending the videocast has its own advantages and disadvantages.When you download a videocast in advance it gives the user the ability to play the videocast back while they are offline, much like a portable media player.A downloaded version of a videocast, or a file version can be watched as many times as you want with only one download which reduces the bandwidth costs.A videocast sent in a stream allows you to seek and skip portions of the file without actually downloading the full version of the video podcast.It has a low bandwidth cost for the server and better statistics however there can be some delay in the playback that is usually caused by slow transfer speeds

How to make a videocast
Podcasting has entered an entirely new level with the invention of videocasting.As said before aspiring film makers have a great chance of having their films seen by someone on the internet and getting their foot into the movie industry.But how do you make a video podcast?Here are some steps and tips to making a video podcast:

Step 1:Use a digital camera
Although a digital camera isn't required to make a videocast it will be much easier for you if you use one.If you have an analog video camera you have to convert all the footage to digital format which just adds another step in the process of making your videocast.It just makes things a lot easier if you start out with a digital camera.

Step 2:Create a concept and go with it
Figuring out what you want the film to be about is probably the most important part about a videocast and then making it into something good.When you have your ideas finalized you can then start shooting.As you start getting footage keep in mind what your target media is.Small screens for videocasting won't display many details so get close up when you're shooting the film.Don't use a lot of wide screen mode shots; stick with the standard mode instead.

Tip:Remember that fast motion and high contrast will not likely show very clearly on the small screen the videocast is being displayed on; shoot several short segments instead of one full length film; and if you have text make sure it is large enough to see.

Step 3:Compress your videocast
In order for your video to be viewed on the web or an iPod you have to compress the file.If you are working on a MAC you can compress and export your video using iMovie HD6 by clicking on the file.For PC users you can use QuickTime Pro by exporting the file using Quick Time Conversion.

Step 4:Tag your movie
This is how your movie will be found and singled out from all the other video podcasts out there so don't forget to do this step.You can do it using iMovies by dragging the file onto iTunes and clicking the info Tab.Then just enter your information.

Step 5:Distribute your videocast
To reach as many people as possible you should submit your video podcast to iTunes.You can also provide a URL on a blog, or add it to a Podcast directory.

Hopefully this overview of videocasting technology has given you a little more information on what it is and how to make one if that's something you're looking to do.Good luck.

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