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VoIP, is it right for your business?

headset19216392.jpg VoIP or Voice over Internet Protocol is the transmission of voice traffic over IP based networks.The protocol was originally designed for data networking; its success in becoming a world standard has led to its adaptation to voice networking.VoIP, is it right for your business?Let's take a closer look.

VoIP has become popular largely because of the cost advantages to consumers.Using the internet connection for data traffic and voice calls has allowed consumers to get rid of big monthly payment.Savings for consumers is enormous.VoIP has also become popular among many businesses as well because they are tired of racking up high telecommunications bills.Thus they are turning to the internet for their phone service.Using VoIP can provide many benefits to businesses, the most notable one is being able to conduct business calls across the same network at a fraction of the price.The main concern with VoIP however is security as most developers have focused on quality and reliability first.As a business it's important to look at both ends of the spectrum in order to decide if it is right for your business.

Benefits of VoIP

  • In the last few years VoIP has improved sufficiently so that it has become fairly reliable and stable for business use.In fact many businesses have switched from using landlines or mobile phones to using VoIP because it is so reliable and the quality of the call is superb.

  • The obvious, and main benefit of using VoIP is its affordability.When it comes to running a business, conference calls, long distance calls, and multiple phone lines can create some hefty extra charges that the company will end up paying for.Most, if not all VoIP providers offer unlimited local and long distance calling for a flat low rate fee which will usually include many other features that the business needs.

  • It becomes easier to manage your business when you use VoIP because the exchange is based on software and not hardware.

  • VoIP allows you to attach any sort of data to voice messages or participate in virtual meetings and videoconferencing.In a large business this can come in extremely useful.

  • If your business has its own VPN and combines it with VoIP you can have a fully functioning office anywhere with a broadband connection.You can make phone any type of phone call you choose around the world without incurring any extra charges.

A word about Security
The main concern with VoIP is its security.The same types of attacks that can affect data networks can also affect VoIP networks and can result in hackers and intruders taking company information.Here are a few other disadvantages to using VoIP

  • It is extremely easy to listen in on someone else's conversation when you're using VoIP.Third parties can learn user names, passwords, phone numbers, etc. by monitoring call signal packets and can gain control of things like voicemail and even billing information.Third parties can also gain access to information that is confidential business and personal information within the company's database.

  • Phishing can also occur with VoIP much like it occurs with an email account.It happens when a voice message is left from a supposedly trustworthy business or person but in reality is designed to acquire personal information.

There are ways to increase security when using VoIP however that can be looked into if you really feel that VoIP is right for your business and want to go ahead and try it.VoIP is just another example of how the internet is changing communication and technology around the world.Now that you know a little more about it, hopefully you will be able to judge if VoIP is right for your business or not.

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