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Simplify and streamline processes

When a business is looking to simplify and streamline processes, they often use a method called business process improvement or BPI. BPI helps businesses understand how to simplify processes to make them cost effective. They also help companies find ways to reduce their excess waste and build a stronger reputation for the company. There are 3 main parts of BPI:

  1. Producing desired results
  2. Reducing costs and materials used to produce products
  3. Able to change to fit the needs of the customers and the business
BPI focuses on changing the performance of a company rather than small things. Instead of correcting errors and constantly monitoring employees, you will remove things that could be causing problems. You will be a customer-driven company that looks for ways to simplify processes. This includes hiring quality employees that can help the company reduce variations.

In order for BPI to streamline processes and simplify processes, you need to follow these rules:

Rule # 1 - The entire company must believe that a change can be made and that it can benefit the performance of the company.
Rule # 2 - Everyone at the company must be able to see the future plans of the company and they must be able to understand how BPI will help them obtain these plans.
Rule # 3 - Barriers that are hindering the production process need to be removed.
Rule # 4 - Everyone at the company must support BPI and work together to make it become successful.
Rule # 5 - Managers need to set the example for everyone else.
Rule # 6 - Hold regular trainings for employees and teach them new skills.
Rule # 7 - Identify how you are going to measure the results.
Rule # 8 - Provide feedback to every employee.
Rule # 9 - Speak to employees that are not currently performing their job duties correctly.
Rule #10 - Use a reward system to reinforce BPI.

When you implement BPI, you are looking at your manufacturing company through your customers eyes. You want to look for things that a customer would notice and predict changes that could help your company grow. BPI will help streamline processes by building relationships within the company. It can keep employees focused on their specific job duties and it reduces errors.

In order for BPI to become successful, management must be involved and set the standard for the employees. They must support BPI and implement it each day. BPI is not a short-term commitment; it is a long-term commitment to changing the way your company does business.

If your employees are having a hard time with BPI, start small. Look for small changes that can be made that will have an impact in a short time frame. If employees can notice a quick change, they normally are willing to start implementing those changes. People often resist change because they are afraid of layoffs. When you implement BPI, calm everyone's fears about layoffs in the beginning. Inform everyone that this is not a weeding out method to find out which employees will be kept. BPI is simply a way to change the way you do business.

BPI is a way to please your customers and increase your productivity by simplifying and streamlining processes. Set timelines for your employees so they know what is expected of them. Instead of focusing on the short-term results of BPI; look towards the future of the company. Do not invest more than you can afford. Spreading your resources too thin will cause problems for your current production. Make sure management is involved in BPI or it will not be successful. You must be the example for others at the company and they will look to you for answers about BPI.

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