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Where to find useful technology reviews and guides

manwithcomputers32015719.jpg Purchasing the latest technology requires doing some research beforehand. If you don't buy the right laptop, cell phone, or computer, you could be losing out on your new technology and money. How can you find a web site that will properly review the latest technology and help you adequate select what is best for you?

The New York Times has a complete technology section that discusses new releases to the technology world. You can access The New York Times online for up-to-date information.

Another web site to look at is; it is published by Technology Review Inc. They also publish Technology Review, the oldest technology magazine in the world. Technology Review discusses the emerging technologies and analyze their social, commercial, and political impacts. Technology Review reaches more than 2 million leaders in the technology world. is another online technology reviews and guides web site. provides blogs, whitepapers, videos, downloads, and reviews on a variety of topics. You can create an account and receive daily email and blog updates. As a registered user, you will be given tips on upcoming technology before everyone else is informed.

Many people recommend Gizmodo for their technology review and guidelines. Gizmodo has been around as 2002 and currently has over 50 million daily page views. Gizmodo will allow you to create an account and post comments about the latest technology. Gizmodo posts information about computers, cell phones, video games, cameras and anything else that is related to technology. Before you are able to leave a comment on Gizmodo, you must be approved and this can come from an invitation from Gizmodo or from becoming an "expert" on your particular field.

Popular Mechanics is another great web site providing information on technology reviews. With this site you can subscribe to daily updates about the latest technology to hit the market. Popular Mechanics discusses information on automotive, science, technology, outdoors, and a wide variety of other topics. You can subscribe to the magazine, Popular Mechanics from their web site for $12.00 for a full year.

Business Week provides a magazine service and web site discussing the latest technology to hit the market. It also provides tips on upcoming technology and what to watch out for. Business Week not only discusses technology, but it provides excellent information on investing, innovation, and several other topics. You can subscribe to a daily email send or subscribe to the magazine subscription service from their web site. is another web site that provides great technology reviews. From this site you can read about recent releases to the technology world. It talks about the advantages and disadvantages to new technology that has been released. This site provides blogging information, a customer opinion center, podcasts, buyer's guides, knowledge center, and several other topics. You can browse through a variety of topics on this web site and link to other web sites pertaining to technology information. provides technology reviews and guides. This site talks about recent releases to the technology world and includes information on competing products and services. It provides information on blogs, news, hardware, software, internet, windows, mobility, and several other topics. You can subscribe to the web site for white papers, events and RSS feeds. is another web site that talks about recent technology releases. This site provides information about small businesses, personal technology, developer news, IT, and news feeds. You can download whitepapers, web casts, eKits, and several other things. There are also demos you can view on the web site that provide helpful hints about recent technology breakthroughs. Lastly, there are step-by-step guides you can view to help you understand recent technology breakthroughs.

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