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The basics of email marketing

The internet is now very accessible to a lot of people and it is probably the best tool to use to market your service or product to buyers everywhere. Educate yourself to know what the rules are and what are the steps to follow to successfully have a web site address accessible to the world. From your web site, customers like to use email to send their concerns, questions, or comments. Email is a wonderful way to communicate to customers and to keep in touch with them as well. The customers take your business seriously if they know how to contact you. Give out a dedicated email address and have a secure web site to protect personal information including credit card numbers or bank account numbers of your customers against internet thieves. It also helps the customers to see that you run a serious business. Keep your email lists updated.

Before sending any sales ad to people, have their permission first. Ask your prospective buyers if they want be added to your email list. You can also let your customers know through your web site if they want to receive monthly newsletters, free advice, up coming sales by selecting the option box. When sending your ad or message to customers, make it very interesting. Avoid sending ad message to people who have not given you their permission. Spam is not well received and more often end up in the trash unread. That is definitely not the best way to sell your product or service and it is totally a bad advertisement for your company. If you ask anyone who receives spam in their email inbox each day, they will tell you that they don't like it very much. At the end of your ad message give the choice to the customers to have their name removed from your system if they desire. Always include your web site if they decide to want more information or to check out the sale offer.

Have a clear and specific title in the subject. If you are offering promotions, deals, discounts or new products, mention it in the subject title. It helps the customers know that you are not sending spam but a valuable service and product and, and the email is worth opening and reading. Keep your title simple and short. State what you want the recipient to read and what you are offering so they can link to your web site to learn more. See that when they are redirected to your web page, they are kept motivated to read more about your business and about the product you are offering. You can also quickly lose their interest and business if they are not referred to the specific page that caught their curiosity. Don't use too many words because some people don't have the patience to read your ad and more likely will delete it or mark it "SPAM".

Email is a great opportunity to communicate to your customers and to keep your relationship with them. If you own a store and have permission from your customers to send them email, use it to your advantage. Send email to promote a new product, to send a newsletter, to inform the recipient of an upcoming event in the store, and special offers. Respect people's privacy by not giving out their information or their email address to other corporate associates, retailers or merchandiser without permission.

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