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How to decrease call center wait times

womanwithtwophones33344552.jpg Making sure your waiting times are low in a call center is one of the most important things you can do.It is important to your customers that they don't have to wait a long time.They get impatient and then it makes them unhappy with your company.Here are some ideas for how to decrease call center wait times.

The first thing you can do is to hire more employees.It may seem like a costly idea but it will help in the long run.Low wait times are essential and it will help especially during hours that are really busy and during busy seasons.Call centers usually go through a lot of employees as the retention rate isn't very low.

You can also schedule more people during a certain time period.It is one of the cheapest ways as you don't have to hire more people.You will still have to pay the employees to work, but you won't have to hire more people.

Another thing you can do is to offer incentives.They create motivation for people to do better.Offer incentives like a television, candy bars, furniture, money, or any other types of incentives.You don't have to give incentives every day or every hour, but giving them out is really great to encourage people to do better.When they are motivated they do a lot better.

You can also have some sort of competition.You can give out gifts like the television, candy, furniture, or money to motivate people even more.If your employees have competition they will do even better.They will want to beat another person and win whatever is being given out.Have a chart and have it going for a couple hours.Let people see how the others are doing.It will motivate people even more.If you have several employees, try splitting them up into smaller groups.You want to make sure they aren't in huge groups where half of them feel like they don't really have a chance.

Another idea is to make the expectation higher for everyone.Let them know that disciplinary action will be taken for people who don't make the expectation.Make sure that they have a good notice of when the expectations will be changing.You have to give notices so that your employees aren't upset about the changes.It will create resentment among the company and your employees which will lead to people talking and possibly even quitting.That would be very bad for your company.

When you are trying to reduce call center wait times make sure that you are making rules that are fair.If they aren't, you will have the opposite effect.Rules that aren't fair create resentment and hate towards the company.You should have a trial period for all changes that you make.If things don't work then you should change the rules back or find something else that works.

Making sure your employees are also happy is another important thing.They will be more willing to do what you want them to do when you respect them and treat them well.You can't expect them to do their job perfectly when you aren't doing your job perfectly.If your call center is having problems with call center wait times, try some of these ideas.They will help your wait times and the company in the long run.

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