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Cellphone Maps make your life easier

cellphones37025442.jpg If you love to drive around the United States but you find that you can get lost easily, cellphone maps can really reduce your stress load and make your life a lot easier. Cellphone maps can go anywhere you go, offering a huge convenience to mobile users that may not always be driving around. Not only do cellphone maps allow you to navigate your way through traffic situations, they are also beneficial if you are in a new building or visiting a college campus.

The cellphone maps finally give you a chance to get around without needing to ask everyone for directions (which is ideal in larger airports that you have yet to visit). Shopping malls, work campuses, college campuses, and convention centers are no longer hard to get around if you have cellphone maps that give you a chance to easily get through the building with little headache and frustration. Even grocery stores are updating information to make it easier for people to find exactly what they need when they go grocery store shopping.

So how can you get this cool mobile app and what is it called? It's called FastMall and its one of several cellphone maps that will allow you to find restrooms, elevators, and stores in large shopping centers along with finding your gate in an airport.

Similar to the wall maps you have to read to figure out where you are the FastMall app will show you a layout of the building and it will tell you all the different stores that are located. You can pick an area on the map where you are and it will give you a route to the store you are searching for or it can take you right to the restrooms.All you need to do is enter the name of the store you want to search for like "Victoria's Secret" and then your cell phone will pinpoint where you are at and show you how to get there. Click on the "take me there" icon so you can find your way to the store in the shortest amount of time and travel.

While FastMall is great for the shopping centers what about an airport? You can also use other apps like PointInside or Micello. Most of the mapping services are only available on advanced smartphones like the iPhone but other companies are working to integrate this service into their cell phones as well. Andriod users also have access to cellphone mapping technology and it does make their lives much easier.

The downside to the cellphone maps is the internet connection. Large buildings like malls and airports do not always have the best internet connection capabilities. This can cause your cellphone to freeze up and it may struggle to offer access to the map and help you get from point a to point b. The good thing is once the map has downloaded and you know where you are, you will still be able to see the last image of the map even if you lose your internet connection.

The other downside is who provides the map. The wireless providers and app providers rely on mall managers and others to offer them maps that are online or already converted electronically. This can be frustrating as the malls may not update their maps and it can lead you to struggle to find stores since some of them may be replaced with new stores. Since the app program has become available there are some malls that are actually creating their own apps for their customers. These maps will offer the latest floor plans and the goal is to help the businesses have more traffic along with increased sales as fewer customers will spend time searching for the store they want to find.

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